Check out our pins!
Upcoming Events…
Our Association meetings are held twice a year at the Western States Pin Swap (Reno) in October and the MD4 Convention in February. Check out our “Events” page…
Join Us!
To join, send a check (only) payable to: “CLPTA” (California Lions Pin Traders Association) along with your application. Membership entitles you to receive two issues of the BEAR NEWS each year. To download the application, click on button below and then locate it on your device…
Our objective is to show all known pins from every club in California. All pins shown are from either existing or disbanded clubs that have or have had at least one pin. The year under a pin indicates the year of the issue.
Please contact Secretary Brad Weeks at email: if you have any old or new California Club Pins that you would like to have added to this website, or have questions or corrections, please send them to:
California Lions Pin Traders Association
SANTEE, CA 92071-4918
Find out more…
CLICK HERE to download the Lions’ Membership Application.